
NYC Swim foundation started in 1993 just hitting it 21 year old mark. Their a group that orginizes and forms swims around NYC’s open waters. The tradition of swimming in NYC’s open waters has been done since the 1800s , when NYC waters were prime for fishing , swimming there were even beaches on the east river coast, but due to the growing industrialization of the coastal area the waters became more polluted , till the tradition was left. In the 70s was the first of enviormental movements to clean up the water. NYC swim promotes health through swimming, also it is a community itself is one that is growing, is a humble group of people who continue to swim these waters for sheer thrill and excitement of participating. For information on the history from the site itself , and the letter sent to swimmers  that discusses what happened a thorough report on what happened at the Brooklyn bridge swim 2014 BBLettertoSwimmers, due to the tides changing the course was changed last minute to under the Manhattan bridge, because of the specific tides that day. This a map of the course that was planned: made by me because the original website video is lost, the google maps was one I made through my memory and the  in the tidal map is what was planed but we drifted off course. 

Map of planned course:




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Map of course made through memory:


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